Terms of Use.

Thank you for contributing to our public archive. By submitting material, you agree to the following terms and conditions. Please read this form carefully before proceeding.

Key Definitions:

Contributor: Community Groups, Individuals, Organisations who submit material to The People’s Archive- Kenya

Material: Items in whatever format, whether digital or physical, submitted by the Contributor and accepted into The People’s Archive- Kenya

The People’s Archive Kenya is a collaborative citizen archive created to honour and preserve the memory of the historic 2024 protests against the finance bill and broader issues of bad governance, impunity, and extrajudicial killings. The archive stands as a tribute to those who fought during that critical time and to those who continue their struggle for a more just and equitable country.

Purpose of the Archive:

      • The purpose of  The People’s Archive – Kenya  is to collect and preserve historical material for public access and research.
      • The archive is open to all Contributors who wish to share their items

Submission to the Archive

      • Members of the public are invited to submit Material through the various avenues available for such submission and as announced and communicated by The People’s Archive- Kenya.
      • Contributors may submit Material either in digital or physical form in accordance with the procedures set up by The People’s Archive- Kenya.
      • The People’s Archive- Kenya reserves the right to accept Material submitted by Contributors.

Non-Commercial Use:

      • The People’s Archive- Kenya is a non-commercial initiative. The Material submitted will not be used for commercial purposes.
      • Similarly, Contributors  will not be entitled to derive any commercial benefit from the Material submitted to The People’s Archive- Kenya.

Intellectual Property

      • The applicable intellectual property rights will be attributed to the Contributor depending on the nature material they submit to The People’s Archive- Kenya.
      • By contributing Material  to The People’s Archive- Kenya, Contributors warrant that they hold the necessary rights to the Material and that such submission will not infringe on the rights of any 3rd party.

Privacy and Personal Details:

      • Personal details provided during submission of Material  to The People’s Archive- Kenya (such as names, ages, address details and contact information as well as any associated metadata) will be kept strictly private. Such personal data will be handled in accordance with the Kenyan data protection laws.
      • We will not share or sell Contributor information to third parties.

Access and Licensing:

      • Material deposited in The People’s Archive- Kenya  will be accessible to the public.
      • Contributors grant The People’s Archive- Kenya  a non-exclusive licence to display, reproduce, and distribute their items for non-commercial, archival and educational purposes.
      • The material will be used under a  Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial (CC BY-NC) which allows others to use the material for non-commercial purposes, educational activities, and archival purposes while ensuring proper attribution to the original creator

Responsibility and Ownership:

      • Contributors are responsible for ensuring that their submissions do not violate the  legal rights of 3rd parties. 
      • The People’s Archive – Kenya does not assume ownership of the Material.

Withdrawal of Material:

      • Contributors may request the removal of their material from the archive at any time.
      • Requests for removal as well as any queries on the Material  should be submitted in writing to content@peoplesarchive.ke.


    • By submitting an item you acknowledge that you have read and understood these terms.
    • You grant permission for your Material to be included in The People’s Archive – Kenya under the specified conditions.


Commemorating the June – July 2024 Protests in Kenya